Our celebrity coaches will review all applications. We hope to notify you within two weeks if you have been accepted into Ultimate Vocal|Music Summit. Please read our information page carefully.

Verify phone #:*
Verify email:*
1) Please tell us about your previous experiences (musical, vocal training, etc.):*
2) Do you play an instrument? If yes, explain:*
3) Please share with us a little about yourself and what makes singing so important to you:*
4) What do you hope to achieve and where would you like to be in a year from now? What do you hope to accomplish during your 3-days of vocal and performance training with our experts?*
5) Submit one song of your choice as a sample of your voice. Please sing a cappella. The filename of the song should include the applicants name.*
6) Other examples of you singing (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.):
7) Please select your desired summit:*
8) Please enter the security code you see before submitting: